Basics of Finite Fields


There are three tasks in this experiment.

Procedure for Euclidean Division Algorithm:

  1. Using landscape mode is recommended on mobile phones and other smaller screens.
  2. Polynomials can be entered in the fields provided. Use only lower case x in the field.
  3. Expressions like x2 can be entered in the field by typing x^2 on the keyboard.
  4. 1, x, +, x^2, x^3 and their combinations need to be entered in the fields in this task. Do not enter any other symbols.
  5. Enter the values in all the fields of a row and click on Submit.
  6. The correctness of the entered answer is displayed in Observations.
  7. If the answer is correct, proceed to the next row. Values in the fields of a row cannot be entered without completing the previous row correctly.
  8. Repeat this process until all the rows are filled and the algorithm is complete when a success message displaying the GCD appears in Observations.
  9. Next - Displays the next example.
  10. Previous - Displays the previous example.

Procedure for Elements of Finite Field:

  1. Typing alpha on the keyboard displays the symbol α.
  2. Expressions like α2 can be entered in the field by typing alpha^2 on the keyboard.
  3. Enter the values in the fields and click on Submit.
  4. 0, 1, alpha, +, alpha^2, alpha^3 and their combinations need to be entered in the fields in this task. Do not enter any other symbols.
  5. The correctness of the entered answer is displayed in Observations.
  6. Next - Displays the next example.
  7. Previous - Displays the previous example.

Procedure for Minimal Polynomial:

  1. Using landscape mode is recommended on mobile phones and other smaller screens.
  2. First select element(s) of the finite field from the left column by clicking on it. The background color changes to red indicating that the element has been selected.
  3. Then select the corresponding minimal polynomial from the right column by clicking on it.
  4. If the correct polynomial is selected, the element(s) and minimal polynomial turn green indicating that it is a correct match. The correct answer message is displayed in Observations.
  5. If the answer is wrong, the wrong answer message is displayed in Observations. Try again by selecting another minimal polynomial.
  6. Repeat this procedure until all the elements are matched with the corresponding minimal polynomials.
  7. Next - Displays the next example.
  8. Previous - Displays the previous example.