Characteristics of high frequency IGBT switching power device


1. Output Characteristics using meters:

a) Click on ‘Make connections’ icon.

b) A table listing all the terminals pops up. This a simple series circuit. Click on each ‘From’ terminal one after the other.

c) Observe the simultaneous connection being formed.

d) Once all the terminals are connected, click on ‘Connections Completed’ icon.

e) ‘Switch- ON’ the main supply.

f) ‘Switch- ON’ the Gate-to-Emitter supply.

g) Click on ‘Start Experiment’.

On the Experiment page:

a) Click on the Resistance icon- ‘R’ to set the load.

b) Set the initial Gate-to-Emitter voltage ‘VGE’ using slider.

c) Set the main supply voltage (Vin) using the slider.

d) Keep changing the main supply using the slider till table is filled.

e) Click on ‘Plot’ to trace the characteristics.

f) Repeat Steps-2 to 5 for a total of 5 values of Gate-to-Emitter voltage (VGE).

2. Output Characteristics using probes and oscilloscope:

a) Click on ‘Make connections’ icon.

b) A table listing all the terminals pops up. This a simple series circuit. Click on each ‘From’ terminal one after the other.

c) Observe the simultaneous connection being formed.

d) Once all the terminals are connected, click on ‘Connections Completed’ icon.

e) ‘Switch- ON’ the main supply.

f) ‘Switch- ON’ the Gate-to-Emitter supply.

g) Click on ‘Start Experiment’.

On the Experiment page:

a) Click on the Resistance icon- ‘R’ to set the load.

b) Set the initial Gate-to-Emitter voltage ‘VGE’ using the slider.

c) Vary the Main voltage (Vin) using the “Vin” slider.

d) Click on ‘Plot’ to trace the characteristics.

e) Repeat Steps-2 to 4 for a total of five values of Gate-to-Emitter voltage (VGE).

3. Transfer Characteristics using probes and oscilloscope:

a) Click on ‘Make connections’ icon.

b) A table listing all the terminals pops up. This a simple series circuit. Click on each ‘From’ terminal one after the other.

c) Observe the simultaneous connection being formed.

d) Once all the terminals are connected, click on ‘Connections Completed’ icon.

e) ‘Switch- ON’ the main supply.

f) ‘Switch- ON’ the Gate-to-Emitter supply.

g) Click on ‘Start Experiment’.

On the Experiment page:

a) Click on the Resistance icon- ‘R’ to set the load.

b) Set the Gate-to-Emitter voltage ‘VGE’ to threshold voltage ( VT) using slider.

c) Set the Main/Supply voltage (Vin) using slider such that Collector-to-Emitter voltage (VCE) is set to 50 V.

d) Keep changing the Gate-to-Emitter Voltage (VGE) till the table is filled.

e) Click on ‘Plot’ to trace the characteristics.