Full Subtractor using 4:1 MUX.

How many basic binary subtraction operations are possible?
Full subtractor circuit has
If A, B and Bᵢₙ are the inputs of a full subtractor,the borrow output is given by
A full subtractor can be implemented by using
What is a multiplexer?
In a multiplexer, the selection of a particular input line is controlled by
The commercial dual 4-to 1 multiplexer integrated circuit in the TTL family is
Dual 4-to-1 multiplexer IC 74153 has ________ selection lines.
Dual 4-to-1 multiplexer IC 74153 has 2 individual _________
In dual multiplexer IC 74153 the selections lines S1 and S0 are present at pin no. ____ and pin no. ____ respectively