Flow through orifice meter

Background and Theory :

Flow meters are used in the industry to measure the volumetric flow rate of fluids. Differential pressure type flow meters (Head flow meters) measure flow rate by introducing a constriction in the flow. The pressure difference caused by the constriction is correlated to the flow rate using Bernoulli's theorem.

If a constriction is placed in a pipe carrying a stream of fluid, there will be an increase in velocity, and hence an increase in kinetic energy, at the point of constriction. From an energy balance as given by Bernoulli's theorem, there must be a corresponding reduction in pressure. Rate of discharge from the constriction can be calculated by knowing this pressure reduction, the area available for flow at the constriction ,the density of the fluid and the coefficient of discharge Cd. Coefficient of discharge is the ratio of actual flow to the theoretical flow and makes allowances for stream contraction and frictional effects. Venturi meter, orifice meter, and Pitot tube are widely used head flow meters in the industry. The Pitot-static is often used for measuring the local velocity in pipes or ducts. For measuring flow in enclosed ducts or channels, the Venturimeter and orifice meters are more convenient and more frequently used. The Venturi is widely used particularly for large volume liquid and gas flows since it exhibits little pressure loss. However, for smaller pipes orifice meter is a suitable choice. In order to use any of these devices for measurement it is necessary to empirically calibrate them. That is, pass a known volume through the meter and note the reading in order to provide a standard for measuring other quantities.

Orificemeter :

An orifice meter is a differential pressure flow meter which reduces the flow area using an orifice plate.
An orifice is a flat plate with a centrally drilled hole machined to a sharp edge. The orifice plate is inserted between two flanges perpendicularly to the flow, so that the flow passes through the hole with the sharp edge of the orifice pointing to the upstream. The relationship between flow rate and pressure drop can be determined using Bernoulli's equation as:


where, Q is the volumetric flow rate, Ao is the orifice cross sectional area, p1 and p2 are the pressure measured at the upstream and downstream and Cd is the discharge coefficient for the orifice.

is the ratio of orifice diameter to the pipe diameter=

is the diameter of the orifice and dp is the pipe diameter.

The fluid contracts and then expands as it moves through the orifice and this results in a pressure drop across the orifice, which can be measured. The magnitude of the pressure drop can be related to the volumetric flow rate.

An orifice in a pipeline is shown in figure 1 with a manometer for measuring the drop in pressure (differential) as the fluid passes through the orifice. The minimum cross sectional area of the jet is known as the "vena contracta".

How does it work?

As the fluid flows through the orifice plate the velocity increases, at the expense of pressure head. The pressure drops suddenly as the orifice is passed. It continues to drop until the "vena contracta" is reached and then gradually increases until at approximately 5 to 8 diameters downstream a maximum pressure point is reached that will be lower than the pressure upstream of the orifice. The decrease in pressure as the fluid passes thru the orifice is a result of the increased velocity of the fluid passing through the reduced area of the orifice. When the velocity decreases as the fluid leaves the orifice the pressure increases and tends to return to its original level. All of the pressure loss is not recovered because of friction and turbulence losses in the stream. The pressure drop across the orifice increases when the rate of flow increases. When there is no flow there is no differential. The differential pressure is proportional to the square of the velocity, it therefore follows that if all other factors remain constant, then the differential pressure is proportional to the square of the rate of flow.

Following types of pressure taps can be located for differential pressure measurement:

  • Corner: pressure taps one each on the upstream and downstream flanges.
  • Radius taps: one pipe diameter upstream side and one and a half pipe diameter on the downstream side.
  • Pipe taps: Upstream side- 2.5pipe diameters and downstream side- 8 pipe diameters.
  • Flange taps: 1" upstream side and 1" downstream side.

The analysis of the flow through a restriction (Figure 2) begins with assuming straight, parallel stream lines at cross sections 1 and 2, and the absence of energy losses along the streamline from point 1 to point 2.

The objective is to measure the mass flow rate(m) By continuity

Bernoulli's equation may now be applied to a streamline down the centre of the pipe from a point 1 well upstream of the restriction to point 2 in the vena contracta of the jet immediately downstream of the restriction where the streamlines are parallel and the pressure across the duct may therefore be taken to be uniform:

assuming that the duct is horizontal. Combining (3) with (2) gives

For a real flow through a restriction, the assumptions above do not hold completely. Further, we cannot easily measure the cross-sectional area of the jet at the vena contracta at cross-section 2 where the streamlines are parallel. These errors in the idealised analysis are accounted for by introducing a single, cover all correction factor, the discharge coefficient, Cd, such that

Coefficient of discharge for a given orifice type is a function of the Reynolds number (NReo) based on orifice diameter and velocity, and diameter ratio. At Reynolds number greater than about 30000,the coefficients are substantially constant and independent of .For square edged or sharp edged concentric circular orifices, the value will fall between 0.595 and 0.62 for vena contracta or radius taps for upto 0.8 and for flange taps for upto 0.5

Coefficient of discharge for square edged circular orifices with corner taps[Tuve and Sprenle Instruments(1933)]

In summary, the principal advantages of the orifice plate are :

  • it is simple and robust
  • standards are well established and comprehensive
  • plates are cheap
  • may be used on gases, liquids and wet mixtures (eg steam)

Its principal drawbacks are :

  • low dynamic range: maximum to minimum mass flow rates only 4:1 at best
  • performance changes with plate damage or build up of dirt.
  • affected by upstream swirl
  • large head loss. Because of the large friction losses from the eddies generated by the reexpanding jet below the vena contracta ,the pressure recovery in an orificemeter is poor. For a value of equal to 0.5, the lost head is about 73% of the orifice differential.

Comparison of permanent head loss caused by different head meters Orifice plates and flanges