Flow through orifice meter

Apparatus required :

CCL4 manometer, Hg manometer.

Procedure :

  • Keep the bypass valve completely open and the main valve completely closed. Switch on the pump.
  • Connect a CCL4 manometer across the orifice.
  • Open the main valve and set a flow rate of water using the Rotameter.
  • Note down the Rotameter reading and manometer reading after a steady state is attained.
  • Increase the flow rate by opening the main valve and throttling the bypass valve suitably and repeat step 4.
  • Use mercury manometer for higher flow rates.
  • Take readings withCCL4 manometer as well as with Hg manometer.
  • Repeat the experiment with different ratios and with different fluids.

Data :

Diameter of the pipe = d =          cm
Diameter of the orifice = d0=           cm
Density of CCl4 =CCL4 =                kg/m3
Density of Hg =Hg =           kg/m3
Density of fluid = =           kg/m3

Viscosity of fluid= = kg/m3 =          cp

Observations :

Hg = kg/m3

Calculations :

Flow rate:

∆Hm = cm of manometric fluid.
Volumetric flow rate = Q = m3/s

=    m of H2o
=density of manometric fluid.
Average velocity through the orifice = =    m/s
A0 = cross sectional areaof orifice = 

Reynolds Number at the orifice = =


Coefficient of discharge = Cd =

Plot Q vs and Q vs on ordinary graph(calibration).

Plot Cd vs NReo on a semilog graph sheet (with NReoon log scale).

Plot log Q vs log .Find the slope and the intercept. Find the coefficient and power of . Comment on the nonlinear flow head relationship. Obtain Cd from the plot.

Results :
  • Report on calibration
  • Comment on Cd vs NReo
  • Report the Cd
  • Comment on flow head relationship