Performance measurement and analysis of DC-DC boost regulator


a) Circuit formulation (Refer Virtual Experiment Slides):

  1. Select the correct placement for the highlighted component by “clicking” on the “block”.
    1. Selection of incorrect block: It becomes RED
    2. Selection of correct block: Component gets placed
  2. Repeat the above step for all the components to complete the circuit.

b) Operating the circuit:

  1. Set the values of Source Voltage (Vin), Load Resistance (R) and Duty Ratio (D).
  2. Press “RECORD” button to simulate the circuit and observe various waveforms.
  3. Change “Vin, R and D” to observe the waveforms at different operating conditions.

c) Performance analysis of the circuit:

  1. Set the values of Source Voltage (Vin), Load Resistance (R) and Duty Ratio (D).
  2. Select the “ICONS” in sequence to analyse and understand the circuit operation and performance.
  3. Follow the instructions given in respective experiment slide and press the “RECORD” button to fill the observation table.