4-to-16 decoder using 3-to-8 decoder (74138).

Using 3-to-8 line Decoder we can construct a. 4 to 16 decoder\n b. 5 to 32 decoder\n c. 2 to 4 decoder\n d. 3 to 10 decoder
IC 74138 can be used for
Number of 74138 ICs required to get 1 to 24 Decoder is
How many 3- to -8 line decoders are required for 1-to 13 -decoder?
Which gate is used with four 74138 ICs to get 5 to 32 Decoder?
A circuit which converts some binary code into a singular active output representing its numerical value is a
The delay time of IC 74138 is _______ the typical access time of the memory.
Which of the following represents number of output lines for decoder with four input lines?
_______ are used for converting one type of number system into another type of number system.
Which line goes low if the input to the 3-to-8 decoder (74LS138) (A₁ - A₀) = 1101111…