Laser spot welding using NdYAG laser system
- Crafer R. C. and Oakley P. J., (1993) "Laser Processing In Manufacturing", 1st edition, Chapman and Hall, pp. 145-146.
- Ion John C., (2005) "Laser processing of engineering materials –Principles, procedure and industrial applications", Elsevier, pp. 181-184, 190, 339-346, 396-399, 446.
- Ready John F. and Farson Dave F., (2001) "LIA Handbook of Laser Materials Processing", Laser Institute of America Magnolia Publishing, pp. 37-38, 190, 321, 329-330, 343, 359.
- Steen W. M., (1991) "Laser material processing", Springer - Verlag Landon ISBN, pp. 113-116.
Further Readings:
- Benyounis K. Y., Olabi A. G. and Hashmi M. S. J., (2005) "Effect of laser welding parameters on the heat input and weld-bead profile", Journal of materials processing technology, 164-165 pp. 978-985.
- Castro R. and Cadenet J. J. de., (1974) "Welding metallurgy of stainless and heat-resisting steels", Cambridge university press, London, pp. 45-157.
- Dawes Christopher, (1994) "Laser Welding, A practical guide", Jaico publishing house, Bombay, pp. 79-161.
- Johan Meijer, (2004) "Laser beam machining (LBM), state of the art and new opportunities", Journal of Material Processing Technology, 149, pp. 2- 17.
- Migliore Leonard, (1996) "Laser materials processing" Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 1-81, 165-208.
- Mishra P. K., (1997) "Nonconventional Machining", Narosa Publishing House, pp. 81-85, 147-159.
- Neugebauer R., (2003) "IWI Fraunhofer Institut 2003 Year Report", Chemnitz, Germany.
- Ribolla A., Damoulis G. L. and Batalha G. F., (2005) "The use of Nd: YAG laser weld for large scale volume assembly of automotive body in white", Journal of materials processing technology, 164-165, pp. 1120-1127.
- Zipperian Donald C., "Metallographic specimen preparation basics"