To study the torque speed characterstics of three phase induction motor.
Steps to perform experiment
Step 1 : Make connections as per the instructions given below:
i. (1-4), (2-5), (3-6)
ii. (7-10), (8-11)
iii.(7-12), (13-14)
iv. (8-15), (9-16)
Note: Click on the label to delete the connection for the corresponding node.
Step 2: Now, Check the connections by clicking on ‘CHECK’ button.
Step 3: Turn on the MCB.
Step 4: Vary the values of W1 and W2 and add readings to observation table by clicking on 'ADD' button.
Step 5: Take atleast 6 readings in observation table.
Step 6: Click on the ‘PLOT’ button to plot the graph.
Step 7: Click on the ‘PRINT’ button to takeout the print of the webpage.
Step 8: Click on 'RESET' to reset the webpage.