Study the statistical properties of the output response of a system when the input is wide sense stationary
Random variable
random variable is a mathematical formalization of a quantity or object which
depends on random events.
Random process
random process is a mathematical object that usually depends on a sequence
defined as a sequence of random variables, where the index of the sequence has
the interpretation of time.
Definition of Stationary and Wide Sense Stationary Process
stochastic process {…, Xt-1, Xt, Xt+1, Xt+2,
…} consisting of random variables indexed by time index t is a time series.
stochastic behavior of {Xt} is determined by specifying the
probability density or mass functions (pdf’s).
xt2, xt3, …, xtm)
all finite collections of time indexes
t2, …, tm), m < ∞}
all finite-dimensional distributions of {Xt}
time series {Xt} is
strictly stationary if
p(t1 + τ, t2 + τ, …,
tm + τ) = p(t1, t2, …, tm),
∀τ, ∀m, ∀(t1, t2,
…, tm).
p(t1 + τ, t2 + τ, …, tm + τ)
represents the cumulative distribution function of the unconditional (i.e.,
with no reference to any particular starting value) joint distribution
(parameters such as mean and variance) of {Xt} is said to be
strictly stationary or strict-sense stationary if τ doesn’t affect the
function p. So, p is not a function of time.
A time series {Xt} is called covariance stationary if
= μ
= σ2x
Xt+τ) = γ(τ)
(All constant over time t)
Sense Stationary Process
A random process is called weak-sense
stationary or wide-sense stationary (WSS) if its mean function and its
correlation function do not change by shifts in time.
µx(t) = µx
Rxx(t1, t2) = Rxx(t1 + α, t2 +
α) for every α
= Rxx(t1 - t2, 0)
a. The output of a Wide Sense Stationary When the System is LTI
The output of filter is Y(t) = h(t) *
X(t), where h(t) is the impulse response of a filter. Let the output mean be µy.
µy = E[Y(t)] = E[h(t) *
denotes the expected value]
µy = E[]
µy = ]
Now, if X(t) is WSS, a shift in time
does not affect its mean, i.e.,
E[X(t)] = E[X(t - )]
= µx
E[Y(t)] = µx
= µx
∵ = H(0)
µy = µx . H(0)
Since the H(0) will be some constant, we
conclude that the output will also have the same nature as the input
So, the output of a wide sense
stationary when the system is LTI is zero mean and WSS signal.
b. When the system is Linear and the input is Gaussian
An important property of the Gaussian
random process is that their Probability density function is completely
determined by their mean and covariance, i.e.,
fx(X) = exp(
Where is mean
And σ is standard deviation
The Fourier analysis states that any
Linear system in the frequency spectrum can be represented as the sum of
sinusoids, i.e.,
H(ω) = ω0)
Now, if the input X(t) is Gaussian, then
the output y(t) in the frequency spectrum will be :
Y(ω) = X(ω).H(ω)
For a sinusoid input, the output will be
varied in Magnitude and phase, but nature will remain the same according to the
So, the output will be Gaussian.
The output phase and magnitude will be
varied, but nature will remain the same as that of the input. So, if the input
is Gaussian, the output will also be Gaussian.
c. Time Series Analysis - AR, MA, and ARMA Models
Representation Theorem
Any zero-mean covariance stationary time
series {Xt}can be decomposed as
Xt = Vt + St
Where { Vt } is a linearly
deterministic process, i.e., a linear combination of past values of Vt with constant coefficients. It
is analogical to autoregressive (AR) model.
St = i
Ꜫt-i is an infinite
moving average process of error terms, where
θ0 = 1
)2 <
Ꜫt is linearly
unpredictable white noise, i.e.,
E(Ꜫt) = 0, E(Ꜫt2) = σ2,
E(Ꜫt Ꜫs)
= 0 ∀t, ∀s ≠ t
And Ꜫt
is uncorrelated with Vt
E(Ꜫt Vs) =
0 ∀t, s
The output of a linear system characterized
by a rational system function of the form
… (i)
corresponding difference equation is
w[n] is the input sequence to the system and the observation data, x[n], represents
the output sequence.
power spectrum estimation, the input sequence is not observable. However, if
the observed data are characterized as a stationary random process, then the
input sequence is also assumed to be a stationary random process. In such a
case the power density spectrum of the data is
… (iii)
Γww(f) is the power density spectrum of the input sequence and
H(f) is the frequency response of the model.
our objective is to estimate the power density spectrum Γxx(f),
it is convenient to assume that the input sequence w[n] is a zero mean white
noise sequence with autocorrelation.
= σ2w δ(m)
… (iv)
σ2w is
variance (i.e., σ2w = |w(n)|2). Then the
power density spectrum of the observed data is simply
… (v)
the model-based approach the spectrum estimation procedure consists of two
steps. Given data sequence x[n], 0 ≤ n ≤ N-1, we estimate the
parameters {ak} and {bk} of the model. Then from this
estimates, we compute the power spectrum estimate according to equation (v)
process x[n] generated by pole-zero model as shown in equation (i) is called an
autoregressive moving average (ARMA) process of order (p,q) and it is usually
denoted as ARMA (p,q). If q = 0 and b0 = 1, the resulting system
model has a system function H(z) = 1 / A(z) and its output x[n] is called an
autoregressive (AR) process of order p. This is denoted as AR(p). The third
possible model is obtained by setting obtained by setting A(z) = 1, so that H(z)
= B(z). Its output x[n] is called a moving average (MA) process of order q and
denoted as MA(q).
these three linear models the AR model is by far the most widely used. The
reasons are twofold. First, the AR model is suitable for representing spectra
with narrow peaks (resonances). Second, the AR model results in very simple
linear equations for the AR parameters. On the other hand, the MA model, as a
general rule, requires many more coefficients to represent a narrow spectrum. Consequently,
it is rarely used by itself as a model for spectrum estimation. By combining
poles and zeros, the ARMA model provides a more efficient representation from
the viewpoint of the number of model parameters, of the spectrum of a random
process. The decomposition theorem due to Wold representation asserts that any
ARMA or MA process can be represented uniquely by an AR model of possibly
infinite order. In view of this theorem, the issue of model selection reduces
to selecting the model that requires the smallest number of model parameters
that are easy to compute. Usually the choice in practice is the AR model.
Autoregressive (AR) Model
notation AR(p) indicates an autoregressive model of order p. The AR(p) model is
defined as
= i
+ Ꜫt
φ1, …, φp are parameters of the model, and
Ꜫt is white noise. This can be equivalently written using the
backshift operator B as
= i
Bi Xt + Ꜫt
that, moving the summation term to the left side and using polynomial notation,
we have
Xt = Ꜫt
autoregressive model is simply a linear regression of the current value of the
series against one or more prior values of the series. The value of p is called
the order of the AR model. AR models can be analyzed with one of various
methods; including standard linear least squares techniques. They also have a
straightforward interpretation.
autoregressive model can thus be viewed as the output of an all-pole infinite
impulse response filter whose input is white noise.
parameter constraints are necessary for the model to remain weak-sense
stationary. For example, processes in the AR(1) model with |φ1|
≥ 1 are not stationary. More generally, for an AR(p) model to be
weak-sense stationary, the roots of the polynomial Φ(z) : = 1 - i
zi must lie outside the unit
circle i.e., each (complex) root zi must satisfy | zi | > 1
Moving-average (MA) model
notation MA(q) refers to the moving average model of order q:
= µ + Ꜫt + θ1Ꜫt-1 + … + θqꜪt-q =
µ + i
Ꜫt-i + Ꜫt
µ is the mean of the series, the θ1, θ2, …,
θq are parameters of the model and the Ꜫt,
Ꜫt-1, …, Ꜫt-q are white noise error terms. The value of q is
called the order of the MA model. This can be equivalently written in terms of
the backshift operator B as
= µ + (1 + θ1B + … + θqBq)Ꜫt
a moving-average model is conceptually a linear regression of the current value
of series against current and previous (observed) white noise error terms or
random shocks. The random shocks at each point are assumed to be mutually
independent and to come from the same distribution, typically a normal
distribution, with location at zero and constant scale.
Autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) Model
the statistical analysis of time series, autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA)
models provide a parsimonious description of a (weakly) stationary stochastic
process in terms of two polynomials, one for autoregression (AR) and the second
for moving-average (MA).
a given time series of data Xt, the ARMA model is a tool for
understanding and, perhaps, predicting future values in this series. The AR
part involves regressing the variable on its own lagged (i.e., past) values.
The MA part involves modeling the error term as a linear combination of error
terms occurring contemporaneously and at various times in the past.
model is usually referred to as the ARMA(p,q) model where p is the order of the
AR part and q is the order of the MA part.
notation ARMA(p, q) refers to the model with p autoregressive terms and q
moving-average terms. This model contains the AR(p) and MA(q) models,
= Ꜫt + i
method was useful for low-order polynomials (of degree three or less). The ARMA
model is essentially an infinite impulse response filter applied to white
Specifications in terms of lag operator
model can be specified in terms of the lag operator L. In these terms then the
AR(p) model is given by
Li ) Xt = φ(L)
φ represents the polynomial
= i
MA(q) model is given by
Xt = (
1 +
Li ) Ꜫt
θ(L) Ꜫt,
θ represents the polynomial
= 1 +
the combined ARMA(p,q) model is given by
Li ) Xt = (
1 +
Li ) Ꜫt
more concisely,
φ(L)Xt =
θ(L) Ꜫt
= Ꜫt
The time-series models are used to analyze and
predict the data. A linear time series is modeled by linear difference
equations involving the time series and the white noise or the innovation
process. Such ARMA(p, q) models can be analyzed using the linear system theory.
it is used for weather forecasting, climate forecasting, economic forecasting,
healthcare forecasting engineering forecasting, finance forecasting, retail
forecasting, business forecasting, environmental studies forecasting, social
studies forecasting, and more.