Study the statistical properties of the output response of a system when the input is wide sense stationary

  • Input Parameters:
    • Number of Samples: Use the input field to enter the number of samples, which refers to the total count of discrete data points that represent the signal over a certain time period.
    • Channel Impulse Response: Enter the impulse response values or coefficients that describe the effect of the channel on the transmitted signal.
    • AR Coefficients: Specify the coefficients for the Auto-Regressive (AR) part of the ARMA model, which defines how past values of the signal influence the current value.
    • MA Coefficients: Specify the coefficients for the Moving Average (MA) part of the ARMA model, which defines how past noise terms influence the current value of the signal.

  • Steps:

  • 1. Generate the WSS Signal: Click the “Generate WSS” button to create a WSS signal has statistical properties (like mean and autocorrelation) that do not change with time shifts.
  • 2. Generate the Channel Impulse Response: Click the “Generate CIR” button to generate the impulse response values or coefficients.
  • 3. Generate Output Signal when System is LTI: Click the “Generate Output” button to perform the convolution of the input WSS signal with the LTI channel coefficients. The resulting signal is the output.
  • 4. Check Auto-correlation for the Input Signal: Click the “Check Auto-correlation for Input” button to measure the similarity between the input WSS signal and a time-shifted version of itself.
  • 5. Check Auto-correlation for the Output Signal: Click the “Check Auto-correlation for Output” button to measure the similarity between the output signal and a time-shifted version of itself.