To study the resonance condition of a series LCR circuit

Procedure of performing the experiment in real lab

For L-C-R series, the circuit is connected as shown in the figure-1.The source resistance and the series resistance should be small. The out put voltage of the signal generator is adjusted to be around 5V. The frequency of the signal generator is changed in steps and the corresponding current values are noted from the a.c. milliammeter. The readings are tabulated. The current values increase with the increase of frequency, up to the resonant frequency, further increase of frequency causes the decrease of current. The L,C and R values are noted to calculate the resonant frequency f0 and Qfactor, using the given formulae.

Procedure of performing simulation of resonance condition of a series LCR circuit

  1. User will select the value of voltage, capacitor , resistance and inductance to the circuit
  2. Now the user will on the circuit by just clicking on the ON button of the circuit.
  3. As user vary the value of frequency they will able to note the variation in current.
  4. By just varying the frequency user will try to find the value of that frequency at which the current reading is maximum.
  5. Now the user will calculate the value of frequency at selected value of R and L .
  6. Any way user can varify the theoretical and experimental frequency at which resonance occur.