Design of XOR, XNOR Gates using SPICE Code
How can you specify the rise time of a pulse source in NGSPICE?
Which NGSPICE command is used to perform AC analysis?
What is the purpose of the `.dc` command in NGSPICE?
What is the purpose of the `.option post` command in NGSPICE?
How can you specify the amplitude of an AC source in NGSPICE?
What is the purpose of the `.measure` command in NGSPICE?
How can you specify the simulation time step in NGSPICE for transient analysis?
What is the purpose of the `.nodeset` command in NGSPICE?
What is the purpose of the .lib command in NGSPICE?
What is the purpose of the `.param` command in NGSPICE?
In NGSPICE, what is the purpose of the `.op` analysis?
How can you set the value of a parameter in NGSPICE for a pass transistor model?
What is the purpose of the `.control` block in NGSPICE?
What is the purpose of the `.endc` command in an NGSPICE `.control` block?