Performance measurement and analysis of isolated DC-DC push-pull regulator


The circuit diagram of push-pull converter is given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Circuit Diagram of Push-pull Converter.

The switches (Q1 and Q2: ON/OFF-state) are turned-ON/OFF using 180° phase shifted PWM signals. The converter operation can easily be understood from the following equivalent circuits. Brief mathematical analysis is given below.

Fig. 2(a). Circuit in mode-I (Q1- ON, Q2- OFF).

Fig. 2(b). Circuit in mode-II, IV (Q1- OFF, Q2- OFF).

Fig. 2(c). Circuit in mode-III (Q1- OFF, Q2- ON).

1. Voltage conversion ratio or voltage gain (M)
Voltage across inductor L:

Since the frequency of inductor current/voltage is ‘TS/2’, only Mode-I and Mode-II or Mode-III and Mode-IV is sufficient to formulate the voltage gain:

Mode – I :


where n=Ns/Np.

Mode – II :


Applying ‘volt-sec’ balance across the inductor (eqn. 1 and 2)


Solving eqn. 3 gives,


2. Average current through the inductor:
Current through capacitor C:

Since the frequency of both the inductor and capacitor currents is ‘TS/2’, only Mode-I and Mode-II is considered.

Mode – I :



Mode – II :


Applying ‘Charge-sec’ balance to the capacitor (eqn. 5 and 6)


Solving eqn. 7 gives,


Therefore, average inductor current is equal to load current.

3. Power balance under ideal condition (neglecting losses in the converter):

In ideal conditions, the input power is equal to the output power. Hence,




Substituting eqn. 4 in 10,


4. Inductor current ripple:

From eqn. 1,




Therefore, the inductor ripple current is,


5. Current through various components:

The current through various components can easily be identified from Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Circuit Diagram of Push-pull Converter.

Average Current
imin imax imin imax imin imax Iavg
iC 0
iQ1 0 0 0 0
iQ2 0 0 0 0
iDi1 0 0
iDi2 0 0

6. Voltage and current stress on various components:

  Voltage stress Current Stress
Inductor (L)
Capacitor (C)
Switches (Q1, Q2)
Diodes (Di1, Di2)

7. Efficiency analysis:



Power losses occurring in various components are given below:

Power loss in inductor:


Power loss in capacitor:


Power loss in switches:




Power loss in diodes:




Total power loss:


8. Effect of non-idealities on voltage gain expression:

Power losses occurring in various components are given below:

Fig. 4. Circuit Diagram of Push-pull Converter with non-idealities.

Voltage across inductor L

Since the frequency of inductor voltage is TS/2, only Mode-I and Mode-II or Mode-III and Mode-IV will be taken:

Mode – I :


Mode – II :


Applying Volt-sec balance across the inductor (eqn. 24 and 25),


Substituting, and solving the above equation gives,


("For more Information on mathematical analysis, see references")