Protein purification by affinity chromatography
1. The full form of Ni-NTA is
2. Ni-NTA Agarose is used for the purification of recombinant proteins expressed in
3. Which amino acid in the recombinant protein binds to Nickel, in Ni-NTA affinity chromatography
4. The Ni-NTA resins exhibit high affinity and selectivity for 6xHis-tagged recombinant proteins where 6xHis-tag can be fused to its
5. Why does loading/wash buffer contain a low concentration of imidazole
6. Why do we add a higher concentration of imidazole in the elution buffer
7. Nickel in Ni-NTA affinity chromatography interacts with how many histidines of a His-tag
8. Nickel makes coordinate bond with the ……………… of histidine
9. Why protein does not bind to the Ni-NTA matrix in an acidic pH range
10. What are different methods of elution of recombinant protein from Ni-NTA column other than imidazole