Binomial coefficients and Pascal's triangle


This experiment provides you with visual representations in the form of volume of cuboids for various elements of the binomial expansion.

You can view the elements of the bionomial expansion (x+y)n=(nk=0)(nk)xky(nk)(x+y)^n=\sum^n_(k=0)\binom{n}{k}x^ky^(n-k) in the form of cuboids. Use first text field to enter nn with values between among 0,1,20,1,2 and 33. Click on next after entering the value. Use the second text field to enter kk which decides the element of the expansion for a given nn, thus its values range from 00 to nn. Click on generate to view the visual representation of the chosen element. This will display the visual representation of the binomial expansion for the chosen values of nn and kk. You are presented with a set of binomial coefficients in the form of a pascal's triangle which shows the binomial coefficient for the chosen term of the binomial expansion by highlighting it in red.