Estimate the signal from its noisy observation using a linear filter designed by minimizing the mean square error (Wiener Filter)
Input Parameters:
Input Signal(s): Specify the type of signal (sine, cosine, amplitude modulated (AM) signal, or double sideband suppressed carrier signal) from the dropdown options, and enter the frequency values of the signal(s).
Sampling Frequency (in Hz): Enter the sampling frequency in the input field.
Filter Order: Enter the order of the Wiener filter.
SNR (in dB): Enter the desired Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in decibels (dB).
1. Generate Input Signal:
Click the “Generate Message” button to generate the input signal.
2. Generate Noisy Signal:
Click the “Generate Noisy Signal” button to add Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) to the input signal and generate the noisy signal.
3. Display Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the Noisy Signal:
Click the “Show PSD for Noisy Signal” button to visualize the PSD of the noisy signal.
4. Show Wiener Filter Coefficients:
Click the “Show Filter Coefficients” button to visualize the Wiener filter coefficients, which minimize the error between the estimated signal and the original input message signal.
5. Generate the Estimated Signal:
Click the “Generate Estimated Signal” button to visualize the estimated signal produced as the Wiener filter output.
6. Generate the Residual Signal:
Click the “Generate Residual Signal” button to display the difference between the original input message signal and the filtered signal.