Estimate the signal from its noisy observation using a linear filter designed by minimizing the mean square error (Wiener Filter)

  • Input Parameters:
    • Input Signal(s): Specify the type of signal (sine, cosine, amplitude modulated (AM) signal, or double sideband suppressed carrier signal) from the dropdown options, and enter the frequency values of the signal(s).
    • Sampling Frequency (in Hz): Enter the sampling frequency in the input field.
    • Filter Order: Enter the order of the Wiener filter.
    • SNR (in dB): Enter the desired Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in decibels (dB).

  • Steps:

  • 1. Generate Input Signal: Click the “Generate Message” button to generate the input signal.
  • 2. Generate Noisy Signal: Click the “Generate Noisy Signal” button to add Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) to the input signal and generate the noisy signal.
  • 3. Display Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the Noisy Signal: Click the “Show PSD for Noisy Signal” button to visualize the PSD of the noisy signal.
  • 4. Show Wiener Filter Coefficients: Click the “Show Filter Coefficients” button to visualize the Wiener filter coefficients, which minimize the error between the estimated signal and the original input message signal.
  • 5. Generate the Estimated Signal: Click the “Generate Estimated Signal” button to visualize the estimated signal produced as the Wiener filter output.
  • 6. Generate the Residual Signal: Click the “Generate Residual Signal” button to display the difference between the original input message signal and the filtered signal.