Estimate the signal from its noisy observation using a linear filter designed by minimizing the mean square error (Wiener Filter)
1. What mathematical criterion does the Wiener filter minimize to achieve optimality?
2. How does the Wiener filter achieve the optimal solution in the frequency domain?
3. In Wiener filtering, the filter output is guaranteed to be:
4. What is the form of the Wiener filter in the time domain?
5. What is the role of the power spectral density (PSD) in the Wiener filter design?
6. When applying the Wiener filter to an autoregressive (AR) process, how is the prediction error minimized?
7. Why does the Wiener filter require knowledge of the cross-correlation between the input and the desired signal?
8. In practice, why is the Wiener filter often approximated as the Least Mean Squares (LMS) filter?
9. How does the Wiener filter handle colored noise in signal processing applications?
10. What is a key limitation of the Wiener filter in real-time applications?