Neighbourhood Operations

The experiment is designed to understand and learn the Neighborhood operations in images. This experiment consists of two experiments

a. Linear filtering
b. Non-linear filtering

Steps to run the experiments

  1. Select image from the mosaic using 'select image' option a. Select region of the image to load it in the input image panel
  2. Select one option from 'Linear filtering and Non-linear filtering a. For linear filtering select one opetion
    1. Straight average
    2. Triangular average
    3. Gaussian average b. For Non-linear filtering select one option
    4. Median filter
    5. Unsharp filter
  3. Select one option from 'Neighborhood size'
  4. Select run option to perform the operations a. Output result will be displayed in the output panel

Interesting Observations

  1. Try any filtering option with different neighborhood sizes and compare the results
  2. Try straight average and Gaussian average on same image and same neighborhood size and compare the results.