Linked List


We can check whether the list is empty or not using something like this:

int isUnderflow(){
return start == NULL ? 1 : 0;

This function returns 1 if the list is empty, or returns 0 if the list is not empty.

Deletion of elements from Singly Linked List

Three cases may arise when we want to insert data at the front.

Case – 1 : When the list is empty i.e. head = NULL

Here, we don’t have to do anything because there is nothing that is to be deleted.

Case – 2 : When list contains single entry i.e. head != NULL and head = tail.

Case – 3 : When list contains two or more entries i.e. head != tail

a. Deletion at Front b. Deletion of a Node (not at front)

Deletion of node from Linked List (Case 2)

Deletion of node from Linked List (Case 3a)

Deletion of node from Linked List (Case 3b)

Deletion of tail node from Linked List