Garage Shutter Opening and Closing Using PLC

  1. If the weight of the garage shutter is 300kg , and the diameter of the shaft used to pull is 5cm. Calculate the torque required to pull the garage shutter?
  2. If the diameter of the shaft used to pull the garage shutter is 5cm and the size of the garage shutter is 8 feet*10 feet, rotation of the shaft is 500rpm. Then calculate the time required by the garage shutter to open completely from its completely closed condition.
  3. If the size of the gate is 8 feet*10 feet and it has to be opened in exact 6 sec, and diameter of the shaft used is 2.4cm. Calculate the speed of rotation of the shaft.
  4. If the mass of the garage shutter is 500kg, and shaft used to pull it, has 3cm diameter. Then calculate the torque required to pull the gate.
  5. If the motor used for garage shutter opening and closing produces a torque of 10N-m and the torque required to pull the garage shutter is 15N-m.Calculate the required gear ratio.
  6. What are the different types of Gears?
  7. Try to understand the working Bevel gears?
  8. What is ‘rack and pinion’ gear system?
  9. What is a compound gear system? Try to understand its importance?
  10. What is an idler gear? Try to understand its importance.