Surface Tension of Kerosene by Drop Weight Method

References Contributors list
  1. More HN, Hajare AA. Practical Physical Pharmacy. Career Publications. 2010: 105-106.
  2. Gaud RS, Gupta GD. Practical Physical Pharmacy. CBS Publisher and Distributors. 2009: 63-64.
  3. Mohanta GP. Physical Pharmacy Practical Text, Pharma Book Syndicate. 2006: 32-33.
Developer : Dr. Ajith K M | NITK
Developer : Dr. K V Gangadharan | NITK

Contributors :
  • Prajna K | NITK
  • Sibeesh Padiyoor | NITK
  • Akshaya | NITK
  • Anusha B Salian| NITK