Descriptive statistics

In order to perform the experiment, one needs to go through the following steps sequentially:
Step 1: Select Type of Statistics

In the simulation step, choose the type of statistics you want to compute. This could include measures such as mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, quartiles, etc.

Step 2: Enter Data and Frequencies

Enter the data along with their corresponding frequencies. This step allows you to input the dataset for which you want to compute descriptive statistics.

Step 3: Select Graph Type

Choose what type of graph you want to plot to visualize the descriptive statistics. Options may include histograms, box plots, bar charts, etc., depending on the nature of your data and the statistics being calculated.

Step 4: Click the 'Calculate' Button

Initiate the experiment by clicking the 'Calculate' button. This triggers the computation of the selected descriptive statistics based on the provided data and frequencies.

Step 5: View Descriptive Statistics

After clicking 'Calculate', observe the descriptive statistics of the entered data. This includes measures such as mean, median, mode, variance, standard deviation, quartiles, etc., depending on what you selected in Step 1.