Spectral Estimation Techniques: Correlogram, Blackman–Tukey, Windowed Periodogram, Bartlett, and Welch Methods

Windowed Periodogram

The windowed periodogram is a widely used technique for estimating the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of a signal. It enhances the classical periodogram by mitigating spectral leakage through the application of a windowing function. This technique is essential in signal processing for accurate frequency-domain analysis.

Power Spectral Density (PSD)

The PSD characterizes how the power of a signal is distributed across different frequency components. For a discrete-time signal, the PSD is defined as the Fourier Transform of the signal’s autocorrelation function:

Sx(f) = FT{Rx(τ)}

Here, Rx(τ)}is the autocorrelation function.

         FT : Fourier Transform

Classical Periodogram

The periodogram is a non-parametric PSD estimation method based on the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT):

Px(f) = |X(f)|2


  •               X(f): DFT of the signal x(n)
  •               N: Signal length

However, the classical periodogram suffers from spectral leakage due to abrupt truncation of the signal.

Windowing to Mitigate Spectral Leakage

Spectral leakage can be minimized by applying a window function to the signal before computing the DFT. The resulting PSD estimate is called the windowed periodogram:

Pw(f) = |Xw(f)|2


  •               w(n): Window function
  •               W: Window normalization factor

Common Window Functions

  •               Rectangular Window: Equivalent to the classical periodogram.

w[n]=1, 0≤n≤N−1

w[n]=0, otherwise

Where, N is the window length

  •               Hamming Window: Reduces sidelobe amplitudes, improving frequency resolution.

w[n]=0.5(1−cos()), 0≤n≤N−1

Where, N is the window length

  •               Hanning Window: Similar to Hamming but with less sidelobe attenuation.

w[n]=0.54 – 0.46cos(), 0≤n≤N−1

           Where, N is the window length

  •               Blackman Window: Offers even greater sidelobe suppression but at the cost of wider main lobes.

w[n]=0.42 – 0.5(cos() + 0.08(cos(), 0≤n≤N−1

Where, N is the window length

Implementation Steps

  1. Segment the Signal: Divide the signal into overlapping or non-overlapping segments of length N.
  2. Apply a Window Function: Multiply each segment by a window function w(n).
  3. Compute the DFT: Calculate the DFT of the windowed segments.
  4. Average the Periodograms: For overlapping segments, average the periodograms to reduce variance.

Properties of the Windowed Periodogram

  •               Bias: Windowing introduces bias in the PSD estimate as the window modifies the signal spectrum.
  •               Variance: Averaging periodograms (Welch method) reduces variance but decreases frequency resolution.
  •               Trade-Off: The choice of window affects the trade-off between spectral resolution and leakage suppression.


  •               Signal Processing: Analyzing frequency content of time-varying signals.
  •               Communications: Evaluating spectrum occupancy in wireless systems.
  •               Bioinformatics: Investigating periodicities in biological signals (e.g., EEG, ECG).
  •               Seismology: Characterizing seismic wave frequencies.


The Correlogram method is one of the simplest techniques for estimating the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of a signal. It is based on the Fourier Transform of the estimated autocorrelation function of the signal.

Power Spectral Density (PSD)

The PSD describes how the power of a signal is distributed over different frequency components. For a discrete-time signal, the PSD is computed as the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) of the autocorrelation function:

Sx(f) = [k] e-j2π f k

Where Rx[k] is the autocorrelation function of the discrete-time signal.

Autocorrelation Function

The autocorrelation function Rx[k] measures the similarity between a signal and a time-shifted version of itself. For a discrete-time signal x[n], it is defined as:

Rx[k] =  x[n+k]*

Where k is the lag and N is the signal length.

Steps to Compute Correlogram

Estimate Autocorrelation: Compute the unbiased or biased estimate of the autocorrelation function of the signal.

Apply a Window: To reduce spectral leakage, apply a window function to the autocorrelation sequence.

Compute Fourier Transform: Perform the Fourier Transform of the windowed autocorrelation function to estimate the PSD.

Windowing in Correlogram

Windowing is essential to manage the trade-off between resolution and spectral leakage. Common windows include:

  •               Rectangular Window: No additional processing (equivalent to no window).
  •               Hamming Window: Reduces sidelobes effectively.
  •               Hanning Window: Provides smoother transitions at the edges.

Power Spectral Density Using N-point DFT

For a discrete-time signal sampled at N points, the Power Spectral Density (PSD) can be approximated using the magnitude squared of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). The formula is given by:

Sx(fk) = |X[k]|2, k = 0, 1, …, N-1


  •               X[k]: The N-point DFT of the signal x[n].
  •               N: The total number of samples.
  •               Sx(fk): The estimated PSD at frequency fk.

This approach is commonly used in digital signal processing for spectral analysis of finite-length signals.


  •               Simple to implement.
  •               Provides insight into the frequency-domain characteristics of signals.


  •               Limited frequency resolution due to finite data length.
  •               Potential for spectral leakage if no windowing is applied.


  •               Analyzing stationary signals in time-series data.
  •               Frequency-domain analysis in communication systems.
  •               Studying periodic patterns in biological signals.

Bartlett Method

The Bartlett Method is a technique for estimating the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of a signal by dividing the signal into segments, computing the periodogram for each segment, and averaging the results. It provides a trade-off between bias and variance in spectral estimation.

Steps of the Bartlett Method

Divide the Signal: Segment the signal into M non-overlapping parts, each of length N.

Compute the Periodogram: For each segment, calculate the periodogram using the formula:

  •               fk = |[n] |2
  •               Where:

xm[n]: The m-th segment of the signal.

N: The length of each segment.

fk: The frequency index.

Averaging: Average the periodograms of all segments:

  •               Px(fk) = fk
  •               Where M is the number of segments.


  •               Reduces variance in PSD estimation compared to a single periodogram.
  •               Simple to implement.


  •               Loss of frequency resolution due to segmenting the signal.
  •               Bias may remain if the signal is not stationary within segments.


  •               Analyzing frequency content in stationary signals.
  •               Estimating PSD in communication systems.

Blackman-Tukey Method

The Blackman-Tukey method is a spectral estimation technique that estimates the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of a signal using the autocorrelation function and a windowing technique. It is a non-parametric method that smoothens the spectral estimate to reduce variance and spectral leakage.

Steps of the Blackman-Tukey Algorithm

Compute the Autocorrelation Sequence:

  •               The autocorrelation Rx[k] of the signal \x[n] is calculated as:
    Rx[k] =   Σ x[n] x[n + k]

Apply a Window Function:

  •               A window w[k] is applied to the autocorrelation sequence to reduce noise and spectral leakage:
    Rw[k] = Rx[k] w[k]

Perform Fourier Transform:

  •               The Fourier Transform of the windowed autocorrelation is computed to obtain the PSD:
    Px(f) = FFT{ Rw[k]}

Mathematical Representation

The estimated Power Spectral Density (PSD) using the Blackman-Tukey method is given by:

Px(f) = FFT{ Rx[k] w[k] }


  •               Rx[k]: Autocorrelation function
  •               w[k] : Window function
  •               FFT : Fast Fourier Transform


  •               Reduces spectral leakage through windowing.
  •               Smoothens the power spectral estimate, reducing variance.
  •               Flexibility in choosing different window functions (e.g., Hamming, Hanning, Blackman).


  •               Lower frequency resolution due to windowing effects.
  •               Computationally expensive for large signals.
  •               Accuracy depends on the choice of window length and type.

Example Pseudo-Code

 1. Compute the autocorrelation sequence of the signal.
2. Apply a window function (e.g., Blackman window) to the autocorrelation.
3. Perform FFT on the windowed autocorrelation sequence to obtain the PSD.
4. Plot the PSD for visualization.


  •               Analysis of radar and sonar signals.
  •               Audio and speech signal processing.
  •               Power spectral density estimation in communications systems.

Welch Method

The Welch Method is a widely used technique for estimating the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of a signal. It improves upon traditional periodogram methods by reducing variance through segmenting, windowing, and averaging the data.

Steps in Welch Method

Segment the Signal: Divide the signal into overlapping segments (typically 50% overlap).

Apply a Window Function: Apply a window (e.g., Hamming or Blackman) to each segment to reduce spectral leakage.

Compute the Periodogram: For each segment, compute the periodogram using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).

Average the Periodograms: Average the periodograms of all segments to obtain the final PSD estimate.

Mathematical Representation

The PSD estimate using Welch's method is given by:

Pxx(f) = | { xx[n].w[n] }|2


  •               K: Number of segments
  •               L: Length of each segment
  •               w[n]: Window function
  •               xk[n]: kth segment of the signal


  •               Reduces variance by averaging multiple segments.
  •               Allows flexibility in segment length, overlap, and window choice.
  •               Minimizes spectral leakage with windowing.


  •               Lower frequency resolution due to overlap and windowing.
  •               Increased computational cost for larger signals.

Manual Implementation Steps

If you want to implement the Welch method manually, follow these steps:

  1. Divide the signal into overlapping segments.
  2. Apply a window function to each segment.
  3. Compute the periodogram of each segment using FFT.
  4. Average the periodograms across all segments.