Spectral Estimation Techniques: Correlogram, Blackman–Tukey, Windowed Periodogram, Bartlett, and Welch Methods

  • Input Parameters:
    • Input Signal(s): Specify and input the frequency values of the signal(s). In the case of a rectangular or triangular pulse signal, input the pulse width in seconds.
    • Window Type: Select a window type, such as Rectangular, Hann, or Hamming, from the dropdown menu.
    • Operations: Use the input field to select various operations, such as Fourier addition, subtraction, multiplication, and convolution.
    • SNR (in dB): Enter the desired Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in decibels (dB).

  • Steps:

  • 1. Generate Input Signal(s): Click the “Generate Input Signal” button to create the input signals. Choose the base signal, such as a sine wave, cosine wave, and select the operation from the dropdown menus.
  • 2. Display the PSD plot: Click the “Simulate” button to visualize the power spectral density (PSD) plot of the noisy input signal.