To Study The Effect of Chemical Denaturants on Protein Stability.

1. Video Tutorial

- click [here](.videos/manual_exp9.swf) to ENLARGE.

2. Step-by-step Procedure

The experiment section has three sections - Animation explaining extent of protein unfolding depending on chemical denaturant concentration, part 1 and part 2.

Section 1

  1. Click on first section. Observe the animation showing MD simulation of unfolding of a helical protein at different concentration (2M,4M,6M and 8M).
  2. Click the button BACK to go back to the first page and perform the experiment.

Section 2

  1. Click on PART1. A list of chemicals will appear along with their molecular level picture and physiochemical descriptions. Select any number chemicals whose denaturing capability you want to study. Click PROCEED to go to experiment setup.
  2. Steps to follow in this page will appear on top left corner of the page. Follow the instructions. After you are done click on the monitor to see the results.
  3. Go through the NOTE carefully and then click Result.
  4. Select the chemical from bottom left panel and the CD spectra. Secondary structure content are listed on the right top panel.
  5. Once you are done click to "Go to analysis".
  6. Answer the questions and submit your answer.

Section 3

  1. Click on PART2. This will lead to the experimental set-up. Steps to follow in this page will appear on top left corner of the page. Follow the instructions. After you are done click on the monitor to see the results.
  2. See the CD spectrum of Rhodopsin at different concentrations. Use CONTROLS to see spectrum at different concentrations. Take your mouse on the graph. Select the MRE value corresponding to 222nm and fill up the TABLE. Click on Plot once you have finished filling up the TABLE. You can come back to this step by clicking Go Back.
  3. Once you are done click Go To Analysis.