To Study The Effect of Chemical Denaturants on Protein Stability.

The purpose of this lab is to make students familiar with the concept that structure of a protein is highly dependent on the chemical environmental. By performing this experiment a student will also get familiar with the use of CD spectroscopy method to study the effect of chemical denaturant on protein structure. By doing this experiment a student will be able to,

  1. Make the student understand how a chemical environment denatures a protein.
  2. Have an idea of the effect of different types of chemicals on the protein structure.
  3. Have an idea of the effect of different concentrations of chemical environment on the protein structure.
  4. Understand how CD spectroscopy can be used to study unfolding of proteins.
  5. Observe transition between folded and unfolded state.
  6. Determine the critical concentration of transition from folded to unfolded structure using CD spectra at different concentrations.