Autoreclosure And Sectionalizer Operation
- Find out the coordination procedure between protective devices (primary device-backup device)
- Fuse-Autorecloser
- Fuse-Fuse
- Autorecloser-Autorecloser
- Autorecloser-Fuse
- Autorecloser-relay
- What are autoreclosers? Why the name “auto”? Signify the importance.
- Find out the internal structure and operation of circuit breakers.
- Study the latest communication protocols employed by various substation automation equipment manufacturers.
- What are autoreclosers? Why the name “auto”? Signify the importance.
- Explain the operation of autorecloser under temporary and permanent faults. Tabulate the inferences.
- Understand the terms related to autoreclosers such as Reclosing Shot, Dead Time, Recloser lock-out, Recloser Reset Time.
- How do you decide the value of Recloser Dead Time?
- What is the value of Recloser Reset Time suggested by the standards?
- On what way will you choose the number of reclosing shots for a Recloser if you are asked to do so?
- Brief about the operating logic behind Sectionalizer.
- It is said that sectionalizers are the slaves of autoreclosers. Do you agree with this? Is yes justify.