2D Gel Electrophoresis of the Egg Proteins

Subject Matter Experts

SNo. Name Email Institute Department
1 Sachin Kumar sachinku@iitg.ac.in IIT Guwahati Biosciences and Bioengineering


SNo. Name Email Institute Department
1 Shraddha More shmore@rnd.iitg.ac.in IIT Guwahati Centre for Educational Technology (CET)
2 Anchit Prasad p.anchit@iitg.ac.in IIT Guwahati Department of Chemistry
3 Elika e.elika@iitg.ac.in IIT Guwahati Biosciences and Bioengineering
4 Rohit Suhas Kondaye rohit.kondaye@iitg.ac.in IIT Guwahati Department of Design
5 Sakshi Mallah s.mallah@iitg.ac.in IIT Guwahati Department of Design