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- Beer and Johnston E.R., mechanics of materials, 3rd edition, tata McGraw Hill, New-Dehli, 2007.
- R.L. Smith and G.E. Sandland, 'An accurate method of determining the hardness of metals with particular reference to those of a high degree of hardness' proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, vol. 1, 1922, p623-641.
- Smithells metals reference book, 8th edition, ch. 22
- Konrad Herrmann, Hardness Testing: Principles and Applications, ASM, 1995.
- S.S. Bhavikatti and K.G. Rajashekarappa, Engineering Mechanics, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Developer : Dr. Pruthviraj U | NITK
Contributors :
- Santhosh Acharya | NITK
- Akshaya | NITK
- Anusha B Salian | NITK
- Sampath Kumar | NITK
- Swathi Shetty | NITK
- Aishwarya Hegde | NITK