Vickers Hardness Test

References Contributors list
  1. IS 1501:2002, method for Vickers hardness test for metallic materials.
  2. Hearn E,J., mechanics of material, Pergaman Press, England, 1972.
  3. Beer and Johnston E.R., mechanics of materials, 3rd edition, tata McGraw Hill, New-Dehli, 2007.
  4. R.L. Smith and G.E. Sandland, 'An accurate method of determining the hardness of metals with particular reference to those of a high degree of hardness' proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, vol. 1, 1922, p623-641.
  5. Smithells metals reference book, 8th edition, ch. 22
  6. Konrad Herrmann, Hardness Testing: Principles and Applications, ASM, 1995.
  7. S.S. Bhavikatti and K.G. Rajashekarappa, Engineering Mechanics, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Developer : Dr. Pruthviraj U | NITK

Contributors :
  • Santhosh Acharya | NITK
  • Akshaya | NITK
  • Anusha B Salian | NITK
  • Sampath Kumar | NITK
  • Swathi Shetty | NITK
  • Aishwarya Hegde | NITK