Demonstration of Tyndall Effect or Tyndall Scattering in Colloidal Systems
- Define the parameter, α, in terms of particle diameter vs. wavelength and particle circumference vs. wavelength.
- Why is the colour of the sky orange-red during the sunrise and sunset?
- What will be scattering pattern for N2 molecule?
- "When a white light beam is passed through a glass cube containing small dispersed particles, the cube appears either bluish or reddish when viewed from different directions." Justify it.
- In the Rayleigh regime, compare scattering intensities of 450 nm wavelength (blue) and 650 nm (red) lights.
- What happens if one stirs vigorously to dissolve soap powder in water?
- Though smaller N2 and O2 molecules in the atmosphere can scatter light, why don't we see Tyndall effect in sugar solution which have larger sugar molecules?
- What is the reason for showing Tyndall effect by soap solution?
- Arrange the following three samples in increasing order of particle size: salt, detergent & Fe(OH)3 colloid in water.
- Do we always need colloids to observe the light scattering phenomenon?