Power consumed by three phase resistive load by two wattmeter method.

A wattmeter is used to measure _____
A three phase, 400 V load has power factor 0.6 lagging. The two wattmeters read a total input power of 20 kW. The reading of each wattmeter will be
In a two wattmeter power, for all ________ power factors between 0-0.5, one meter shows _______ reading and second wattmeter shows ______ reading.
Two wattmeter method is applicable for balanced as well as unbalanced load.
Two wattmeter method applicable for three phase, 4 wire system.
In a 3-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method, both the wattmeters had identical readings. The power factor of the load was
In a 3-phase power measurement by two wattmeter method the reading of one of the wattmeter was zero. The power factor of the load must be
How many coils are there in wattmeter?
While measuring power by two wattmeter method, the phase voltage is 3 V whereas the phase current is 0.5A. If the angle between phase current and phase voltage is 30 degrees, the total power consumed by the load will be
The power in an unbalance 3-phases 4-wire circuit can be measured by using a method.