Measurement of flow using a turbine type flow meter for various fluid type


Basic Knowledge -

  • Answer all the questions and click on "Submit Test" button.


  • Configure your turbine flow meter by selecting fluid type, material type of blade, blade type , pipe size , time in sec and enter the meter constant. Below fig. shows the type of blade and number of blades.  *blades type and shape images*
  • Min and Max speed range will be displayed. Here, readings can be taken by changing speed of VFD that you have configured.
  • Observe the reading .
  • Plot the graph
  • After this click on next simulation step.


Standard Table and Graph:

  • Select any Random range and click on submit.
  • Take atleast 5 Readings and click on Graph.

Animation :

  • Click on Start process.
  • Instantaneous flow observed by total pulses

Mimic :

  1. First step is to reset the tare weight
  2. Adjust the VFD speed clicking on plus and minus buttons. Select minimum and maximum speed of flow.
  3. click on the suction valve(V1), after clicking its color turns to green which indicated it is ON and liquid supply to pump.
  4. To start the pump, click on the pump it turns green and liquid flow through pump with selected speed for sec of time which is configured in earlier stage.
  5. Observe the reading of LT weight, Turbine flow meter, Magnetic flow meter and WT weight.
  6. After the process, pump will stop, then you must click on V2 valve it will turn green to drain the tank 2 and fill the tank 1.
  7. Follow the same process for at least for 10 times and note all readings including speed range in min and max flow.
  8. After completing all process, click on V3 drain valve to drain the tank 1.
  9. The simulation is finished, and you can click on next for Calibration.

Calibration :

  • Observe the Minimum reading and calculate zero error and submit the answer.
  • Observe Maximum reading and calculate span error and submit the answer.
  • Similarly Observe all the intermediate points on the graph and calculate Lineraity and Accuracy.
  • Click on Calibrate and calibrate points on graph (using plus and minus buttons).
  • Follow the Instructions and adjust the points on the graph to make it linear.

Fault Finding:

  1. Observe the shown table and select the fault accordingly.
  2. After selecting the correct fault Result will be displayed.