To study various thermal models for EDM
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Further Readings:
- Cattaneo C., (1958), "A form of heat conduction equation which eliminates the paradox of instantaneous propagation", Compte Rendus, Vol. 247, pp. 431-433.
- Dekeyser W. L., and Snoeys, R., (1989), "Geometrical accuracy of Wire EDM", Proceedings of the International Symposium for Electro Machining, (ISEM-9) Nagoya, pp. 226- 232.
- Dhanik Sandeep, Joshi Suhas, (November 2005), "Modeling of a Single Resistance Capacitance Pulse Discharge in Micro-Electro Discharge Machining", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 127 / 759.
- Frankel J. I., Brain Vick, Ozisik, M. N., (1987), "General formulation and analysis of hyperbolic heat conduction in composite media", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 30, No.7, pp. 1293-1305.
- Jennes, M., Snoeys, R., and Dekeyser, W.,(January 1984), "Comparison of various approaches to model the thermal load on the EDM- wire electrode", Annals of CIRP, Vol. 33, pp.93- 98.
- Jilani S.T., Pandey, P.C. (1982), "Analysis and modelling of EDM parameters", Precision Eng. 4 (4), pp. 215-221.
- Jilani S.T., Pandey, P.C., (1983), "Analysis of surface erosion in electrical discharge machining", Wear 84 (3), pp. 275-284.
- Liao Y. S, and Yu, Y. P., (2004) "Study of specific discharge energy in WEDM and its application" International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture Vol. 44, pp.1373-1380.
- Masuzawa T., Funjino M., and Kobayashi K., (January 1985), "Wire electro discharge grinding for micro machining," Annals of CIRP, Vol.34, pp. 431- 434.
- Tosun N., Cogun C., (2003), "An investigation on wire wear in WEDM", Journal of Material Process Technology, Vol. 134(3), pp. 273-278.
- Vernotte M. P., (1961), "Some possible complications in the phenomena of thermal conduction", Comptes Rendus, Vol. 252, pp. 2190-2191, 369- 371.
- Wang W. M., and Rajurkar K. P., (1992), "Effect of Thermal Load on Wire Rupture in WEDM", Transactions of NAMCI, Vol. 20, pp. 139- 144.
- Wang W. M., and Rajurkar K. P., (1992), "Monitoring Sparking Frequency and Predicting Wire Breakage in WEDM", ASME special volume on Sensors and Signal Processing for Manufacturing, PED Vol. 55, pp. 49-64.
- Wiggert D. C., (1977), "Analysis of early- time transient heat conduction by method of characteristics", ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 99, pp. 35-40.
- Yeo S. H., Kurnia W., Tan P. C., (2008), "Critical assessment and numerical comparison of electro-thermal models in EDM", Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Vol.203, pp. 241-251.