Tensile Test on Mild Steel

References Contributors list
  1. IS 1608(2005): Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing At Ambient Temperature, Third Revision, July 2008.
  2. Hearn E,J., Mechanics of Material, Pergaman Press, England,1972.
  3. Beer and Johnston E.R., Mechanics of Material, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,New-Delhi,2007.
  4. Jindal U. C., Strength of Materials, 2012.
  5. Mikell. P. Groover, Fundamentals of modern manufacturing materials, processes and systems, Second Edition, 2015.
  6. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, SI Metric Edition, McGraw – Hill.
  7. Joseph R. Davis, Tensile Testing, 2nd Edition, 2004.
Developer : Dr. Pruthviraj U | NITK

Contributors :
  • Santhosh Acharya | NITK
  • Akshaya | NITK
  • Anusha B Salian | NITK
  • Sampath Kumar | NITK
  • Swathi Shetty | NITK
  • Aishwarya Hegde | NITK