Tensile Test
- The load pointer is set at zero by adjusting the initial setting mode.
- The dial gauge is fixed for measuring elongation of small amounts.
- Measure the diameter of the test piece with the help of a vernier calliper and determine the mean value. Also mark the gauge length.
- Now the specimen is gripped between the upper and middle cross head jaws of the machine.
- Start the machine and the specimen is gradually loaded. Note down the load and its corresponding dial gauge reading. The observations are taken until the specimen breaks.
- Plot the graph between stress and strain.
Virtual Procedure
- Choose the material of the specimen for the experiment from the tab.
- Start the Experiment by clicking the play button.
- Observe the extension of rod in the simulation window.
- As the simulation continues the different value of stress, strain and elongation are observed according to the increasing Load.
- A Graph is plotted between the stress-strain values observed.
- A Comparison tab is provided to compare the stress-strains curves of different materials.
- The Experiment allows you to pause/play/restart the simulation to view the values of different parameters at every stage of simulation.
NOTE: There are various features available for the graphs such as zoom, etc. The function/feature of each icon above the graphs becomes visible upon hovering over the concerned icon.