Schordinger Wave Equation and Infinite and Finite potential well
1. What is the wave function (ψ) in quantum mechanics?
2. What are the allowed energy levels in the solution for a particle in a one-dimensional infinite potential well of width ? What are the allowed energy levels?
3. Which of the following describes a finite potential well?
4. Calculate the probability of finding a particle in a specific region within an infinite potential well if the wave function is given by . Assume and .
5. In a system which is invert of 1D finite potential well (i.e. system potential barrier V(x) exists, between x=0 and x=L and particle is free in d: 0.25 all other regions (x<0 and x>L). If particle is located in x<0 and moving towards x=0, what will be characteristics of SWE solution (wavefunction) is the barrier and in the free space?
6. For above system, which of the following will be true?