Performance Measurement and Analysis of Single-phase AC-DC Controlled Bridge Rectifier


a) Circuit formulation:

  1. Click on the component and place it to its appropriate position by connecting the wires.
  2. Repeat the above steps to complete the circuit.

b) Performance analysis of the circuit:

  1. Fix the AC input voltage to one value and vary the “firing angle” up to maximum range of firing angle.
  2. Press “RECORD” button to fill the table of observations.
  3. To observe various performance characteristics, select the parameter “icons”.
  4. Repeat the above steps by selecting the second value for AC input voltage.
  5. Again, repeat the above steps by selecting the third value for AC input voltage to observe the performance characteristics with different values of input voltages and fixed ‘RL-load’.
  6. Press “Download” button to download the files.