To Study and measure the voltage, Current, Power and Power factor in Series RLC circuit.
Steps to perform experiment
Step 1: Make connections as per the instructions given below.
(a) 1-23, 2-24
(b) 3-25, 4-26
(c) 5-25, 6-9, 6-10, 8-17
(d) 11-17, 12-18
(e) 13-19, 14-20
(f) 15-21, 16-22
(g) 18-19, 20-21
(h) 22-26, 26-7
Note: Click on the label to delete connection for the corresponding node.
Step 2: Now, Check the connections by clicking on ‘CHECK’ button.
Step 3: If the connections are ‘Invalid connections’ click on corresponding node to remove the connection,And if the connections are ‘Right Connections’ then follow the below steps.
Step 4: Turn on the MCB.
Step 5: Switch on the variac by clicking on the button.
Step 6: Click on the variac knob to set the voltage at 220V.
Step 7:Now, Click on ‘ADD’ button to add the readings in the observation table.
Step 8: In Calculations section, We have to manually calculate the values by using the formula and verify it with the help of 'Verify' button.