UniProt Protein Sequence Retrieval in R

Procedure to work the simulator


  1. Provide Uniprot accession in query box provided in the user interface. For example provide Uniprot accession Q9CD83.

  1. Click on Run button to execute simulation.

  1. Protein sequence information such as name of protein, name of organism and the polypeptide chain related to the query sequence is displayed as result.


Follow ( https://vlab.amrita.edu/index.php?sub=3&brch=311&sim=1835&cnt=2) to install R in personal computer.

Install the SeqinR package.

To load “SeqinR” R package follow the commands

        > library("seqinr")
                > leprae <- read.fasta(file = "Q9CD83.fasta")
                > ulcerans <- read.fasta(file = "A0PQ23.fasta")
                > lepraeseq <- leprae[[1]]
                > ulceransseq <- ulcerans[[1]]
                > lepraeseq # Display the contents of the vector "lepraeseq"