
In order to perform the experiment, one needs to go through the following steps sequentially:
Step 1: Select Type of Sample Data

In the simulation step, choose between Bivariate or Bivariate Grouped data.

Part 1: Bivariate Data

Step 1.1: Enter the Number of Samples

Input the number of samples or observations collected.

Step 1.2: Enter Sample Data

Enter the sample data for each variable.

Step 1.3: View Graphical Representation and Regression Result

After entering the sample data, you can view the graphical representation of the selected sample data and the result for the regression. This includes observing the graph and analyzing the regression equation and coefficients.

Part 2: Bivariate Grouped Data

Step 2.1: Enter the Number of Samples

Specify the number of samples or observations collected.

Step 2.2: Enter Sample Data in Terms of Interval

Input the sample data in terms of intervals for each variable.

Step 2.3: Create and Set Frequency Table

Create and set the frequency table for the selected sample data, indicating the frequency of occurrence for each interval.

Step 2.4: View Regression Result

Click on the "Linear Regression" button to perform linear regression analysis based on the provided grouped data. The result for the regression, including the regression equation and coefficients, can then be viewed and analyzed.