Study of Rectangular Pulse Current Generator
- High Voltage Engineering and Testing(2nd Edition),Edited by:Ryan,Hugh M.2001 Institution of Engineering and Technology.
- High Voltage Engineering By M.S. Naidu,V.Kamaraju, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing,2001.
- High Voltage Engineering (Third Edition), New Age International Publishers, 2010.
- High-Voltage Test and Measuring Techniques By Wolfgang Hauschild, Eberhard Lemke.
- N. H. Halim, A. Azmi,Y. Yahya, F. Abdullah, M. Othman, M. S. Laili "Development of a small scale standard lightning impulse current generator." Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO), 2011 5th International.
- T. Haryono, K. T. Sirait, Tumiran, Hamsah Berahim "The Design of A High Amplitude Impulse Current Generator." International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, 2008. ICHVE 2008.