Performance Characteristics of Single Acting Reciprocating Pump
Formulae –
Total Head (H)= 10 × (Suction Pressure + Delivery Pressure) in m
Q= (A×h)/t
Q= Actual discharge
A = Cross-sectional area of the discharge/collection tank
h = Height of tank to be filled (0.1 m or 10 cm)
t = Time to fill 10 cm of tankPower input for single acting reciprocating pump
PInput=(3.6×10×n ×1.36)/(K ×trev )
n= Number of meter revolutions (10 in this case)
trev= Time taken for 10-meter revolutions
K= Meter constant (15.018)The power output by Pump is given by
W = Specific weight of water (1000 Kg/m3)
Q = Actual discharge
H = Total headη=POutput/PInput ×100
Procedure –
- Start the motor and open the delivery valve fully
- Set the Suction pressure to 0 Kg/cm2,
- Note down the delivery pressure
- Close the gate valve at the outlet of the discharge tank and note down the t in seconds to fill the tank upto a height of 10 cm and open the gate valve again
- Note down the time trev in seconds for 10 revolutions of meter
- Repeat steps 3 to 6 for suction pressure of 1,2,3 and 3.5 Kg/cm2
Observations -
Cross-sectional area of the discharge/collection tank, A = 0.25 m2
Height of tank to be filled, h = 0.1 m or 10 cm
Meter constant, K= 15.018
Specific weight of water, W= 1000 Kg/m3
Calculations –
Perform the following calculations for each opening of the delivery valve:
Total Head (H)= 10 × (Suction Pressure + Delivery Pressure) in m
Q= (A×h)/t
PInput=(3.6×10×n ×1.36)/(K ×trev )
η=POutput/PInput ×100
Plot the following curves
i) Hm vs Q
ii) Hm vs Poutput
iii) Hm vs η