Moments of the Random Variable

In order to perform the experiment, one needs to go through the following steps sequentially:
Step 1: Select Moments Calculation

In the simulation step, choose whether you want to calculate the Moments of Probability Density Function (PDF) or Moments of Probability Mass Function (PMF) based on the type of distribution selected (Continuous or Discrete).

Step 2: Set Parameters

Set all the parameters according to the selected distribution, ensuring that the necessary parameters for calculating moments are correctly specified.

Step 3: Set PMF or PDF Entries

For Probability Mass Function (PMF), set the individual probabilities for each outcome and click 'save'. Click 'show data' to view the complete distribution table. For Probability Density Function (PDF), enter the function representing the distribution.

Step 4: Set Moment Value

Set the value of 'r' (the order of the moment) and 'k' (the center) for which you want to calculate the moment around.

Step 5: Click the 'Calculate Moment' Button

Initiate the experiment by clicking the 'Calculate Moment' button. This will compute the rth moment around k based on the parameters and entries you've set.

Step 6: View the Moment Calculation

After clicking 'Calculate Moment', observe the result which represents the rth moment around k. This provides insight into the distribution's central tendency and variability.