Radix Sort
The Radixsort Algorithm
- In radix sort, we first sort the elements based on last digit (least significant digit/ units digit).
- Then the resultant array is again sorted by the second last digit (tens digit).
- This process is continued for all the digits in the same fashion until we finish doing the same for the most significant digit.
- The resultant array obtained is a sorted array!
Radix Sort steps
Sorting using buckets
The sorting is done using containers(which hold numbers with same place/significant digit under consideration), as explained and shown using this example: Suppose we are sorting: 291,913,315,287,369 according to the tens digit now(already sorted according to units) We iterate over all elements and place them in their respective buckets:
bucket[0]-> empty
bucket[1]-> 913, 315
bucket[2]-> empty
bucket[3]-> empty
bucket[4]-> empty
bucket[5]-> empty
bucket[6]-> 369
bucket[7]-> empty
bucket[8]-> 287
Now we remove all the elements from the buckets( in order from 0->9 ) and put them back in the array.
Within the same bucket, the element that came in earlier, goes out first( FIFO principle: First In First Out)
Array obtained as a result will be: 913, 315, 369, 287, 291.
Refer to this image below for a better understanding.The initial array is at the top in blue and the final array in green, below the buckets. Sorting using buckets