Projection of Straight Lines


Line parallel to both HP and VP.
  1. Draw XY line
  2. Then draw projection of given line in HP at given distance from VP
  3. Similarly draw its projection in VP at given distanve from HP in the same proejction as that of drawn in HP
Line perpendicular to one plane and parallel to other.
  1. Draw XY line
  2. Draw projection of line in the plane to which it is parallel by drawing a line perpendicular to xy at given distance from it
  3. Then mark projection of line in other plane to which it is perpendicular by marking a point at given distance
Line inclined to one plane and parallel to other.
  1. Draw a parallel line to xy in the plane to which given straight line is parallel. And the draw a perpendicular line from it's one end towards the other plane.
  2. Draw projection of given straight line by drawing a line at the end points of previously drawn lines at given inclination.
  3. Then draw projection line of other end in the other plane
  4. Then draw projection of line in the plane to which it is inclined by drawing line(parallel to xy) between the two projection lines
Line inclined to both HP and VP
  1. Mark a' and a in the respective planes at given distances. The draw parallel from both a' and a.
  2. Draw line of equal length as given line at a' at given inclination from HP and mark other end as b1'. Similarly Draw line of equal length as given line at a at given inclination from VP and mark other end as b1.
  3. Draw projection line of b1' till it meet the parallel line in HP and mark it b2 similarly Draw projection line of b1 till it meet the parallel line in VP and mark it b2'.
  4. Then draw an arc by compass taking a' and a as center by opening it by a'b2' and ab2 respectively.
  5. Draw parallel lines from b1' and b1 to cut their respective arcs
  6. Then join a' to the marked intersection point(of arc and parallel from b1') to draw a'b'. Similarly join a to the marked intersection point(of arc and parallel from b1) to draw ab.