Measurement of power and power factor in a single-phase ac series inductive circuit and study improvement of power factor using capacitors Theory Power:


The components (AC voltage source, inductor, resistor, capacitor, voltmeter, ammeter, and wattmeter) are available on the right side of the simulator. They can be dragged and arranged to form the circuit as shown in the circuit diagram. The connections are made by dragging the nodes, and the color change in the nodes confirms the successful connection.

  1. Drag the AC voltage source, inductor, and resistor onto the simulation workspace.
  2. Connect the AC source in series with the inductor and resistor, following the given circuit diagram.
  3. Place an ammeter in series with the circuit to measure the current and connect a voltmeter across the resistor to measure voltage.
  4. Use the wattmeter to measure the power consumed in the circuit.
  5. Run the simulation and note the current, voltage, and power readings.
  6. Calculate the power factor using the measured values (Power factor = True Power / Apparent Power).
  7. To improve the power factor, drag a capacitor onto the workspace and connect it in parallel with the series inductive circuit.
  8. Run the simulation again and note the improved current, voltage, and power readings.
  9. Recalculate the power factor with the capacitor in place and verify the improvement.
  10. Conclude the experiment by comparing the power factor values before and after the addition of the capacitor.