Schematic Design Of Pass Transistor Logic & Multiplexer

Design of 2-input Multiplexer

Components Required -

  • 2 Pass transistors

Circuit Connections -

  • Drag the Pass transistors on the workspace
  • Connect the left node of pass transistors 1 and 2 to input 1 and input 2 respectively
  • Clk is connected to the top node of pass transistor 1 and bottom node of pass transistor 2
  • Clk_bar is connected to the bottom node of pass transistor 2 and top node of pass transistor 1
  • Right nodes of pass transistors are then connected to the output

Observations -

  • On clicking "validate" option after completing the circuit (assuming all connections are done correctly) you should see a graph under the observations tab
  • Observe the fluctuations occurring
  • By default, the input has been set to 1 and the corresponding output observed is 0. To check otherwise, double-click the input.

Schematic Design of Pass Transistor

Components Required -

  • 1 Clk
  • 1 Clk_bar
  • 1 PMOS
  • 1 NMOS

Circuit Connections -

  • Drag the Clk, Clk_bar, PMOS and NMOS to the workspace
  • Connect input 1 to the top node of PMOS and bottom node of NMOS
  • Connect Clk to the middle node of PMOS and Clk_bar to the middle node of NMOS
  • Finally, to complete the circuit, connect bottom node of PMOS and top node of NMOS to the output

Observations -

  • On clicking "validate" option after completing the circuit (assuming all connections are done correctly) you should see a graph under the observations tab

  • Observe the fluctuations occurring