Non-Destructive testing (NDT) of welded joint            


  • Before starting the process read the instructions completely
  • Press Start button to start the experiment procedure.
  • Select the Non-Destructive Testing method of your choice.
  • If Ultrasonic Testing is selected.
    • Observe the Transmission pulse flow in the Workpiece
    • Observe the Transmission pulse flow in the Ultrasonic Device Monitor
    • Press Next button to go for next Case
    • Repeat the steps again by clicking Restart
  • If Dye Penetrant Testing is selected.
    • Observe the Welded Workpiece
    • Press Next button to go for next step
    • Click on Penetrant Bottle to go for next step
    • Observe the applying Penetrant on Welded Workpiece
    • Click on Cleaner/Remover Bottle to go for next step
    • Observe the applying Cleaner/Remover Bottle on Welded Workpiece
    • Click on Developer Bottle to go for next step
    • Observe the applying Developer Bottle on Welded Workpiece and Crack Indication
    • Repeat the steps again by clicking Restart
  • If Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) is selected.
    • If MPT (without Crack) is selected
      • Press Next button to go for next step
      • Observe the flow of Magnitic field lines on Welded Workpiece
      • Repeat the steps again by clicking Restart
    • If MPT (with Crack) is selected
      • Press Next button to go for next step
      • Observe the flow of Magnitic field lines on Welded Workpiece
      • Repeat the steps again by clicking Restart
  • Repeat the experiment with different Non-Destructive Testing method