
2-bit Multiplexer

Components Required -

  • 2 OR gates
  • 1 AND gate
  • 1 NOT gate

Circuit Connections -

  • Drag the first OR gate and connect its input points to the input bits A and Select.
  • Drag the NOT gate and connect its input point to the Select input bit.
  • Take another OR gate and connect its input points to the output point of the NOT gate and input bit B.
  • Drag an AND gate and connect its input points to the output points of the two OR gates.
  • Connect output of the AND gate to the output bit in the circuit.
  • After setting the values of A, B, and Select click "Simulate".

Observations -

  • When Select is 0 the output is the value of A and when Select is 1 the output is the value of B.
  • If the circuit has been made as described as above, then upon clicking the "Submit" button a "Success" message will be displayed.